Sunday, February 14, 2016

Why Does Cam Newton Get So Much Hate?

The Superbowl just finished a week ago and the Denver Broncos won. This was a upset since the Panthers have been the best team the whole year. Something that I have seen transpire the whole week is the ongoing hate for Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton.

A lot of people in the media contribute this hate to racism. However, I believe this is not the reason people show their dislike for Cam Newton.

One of the main reasons for Cam Newton getting hate is because how good he was this year. In this past season Cam Newton by far was the best quarterback in the NFL. This is something that football teams seem to despise, success. Unless a football fan is a fan of a successful team,  successful players and teams get hatred. Take the Patriots for example. The New England Patriots have been the most successful team over the last 15 years.  They are also the most hated team in the NFL.

The other thing that Cam Newton does is the dancing. When Cam Newton scores and wins, he rubs it in the face of the people who lose. It also does not help that he does not take losing very well. All of this contributes to the hate Cam Newton gets. I am not one of these people though, I actually like him.

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