Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sunday Night Football: Cardinals VS Bengals (Prediction)

Sunday Night Football is shaping up to be a good game for the second week in a row. The 7-2 Cardinals will be at home to take on the one loss Bengals into what might end up being a great game. The Cardinals just came off of a huge win against the Seahawks. The Bengals on the other hand, came off of an ugly loss to the Texans on Monday night.

The Cardinals impressed me last week. I believe that the Cardinals are one of the most complete teams in the league. Last week the Cardinals were able to get running back Andre Ellington playing good. They may need for him to step up again this week in order for the Cardinals to play well. Carson Palmer is having the best season of his long career this year, and i expect him to continue to dominate tonight against the Bengals. The Cardinals defense is incredible all around. The Cardinals safeties have been playing great this season as well.

The Bengals came off of an ugly loss to the Texans like I said before.  The Bengals are a good team that just seems to play bad during night games. The Bengals offense is good and their defense is great as well. I just don't know how much trust that I can put in the Bengals team right now. This is why I am expecting the Cardinals to win at home in a close game.

28-24 Cardinals

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