Thursday, February 18, 2016

Lamar Miller and the Stupidity of the Dolphins Organization

2015 was a depressing year for the Dolphin's and their fans. Since I am a Dolphins fan, I was sucked into this depressing year. There were a lot of reasons for this year being depressing, but to mw their was one thing that stood out amongst the rest. This was the underutilization of Lamar Miller. 

Now the Dolphins offense was definitely underwhelming when you look at the talent that they have.  Ryan Tannehill has proven to at least be a solid quarterback. The Dolphins also have a great young receiving core. In the offseason they also acquired former probowl tight end Jordan Cameron. The only part of the Dolphins offense that is not so great is the offensive line.

The runningback for the Dolphins, Lamar Miller, came off of a great year where he rushed for over a thousand yards and averaged over five yards per carry. That stat line is incredible, almost Hall of Fame like.  He is also at a very young age for a runningback. Odds are he is going to be very good the next year, right?

 Then comes the season. Lamar Miller played well, in pretty much the first half of every game. You may wonder, "why doesn't he play well in the second half?". The answer is simple. The Miami Dolphins have managed to have three different headcoaches who have all underutilized Lamar Miller. The Dolphins lost many games this season just due to not giving Miller the ball when they needed to.  Lamar Miller had games where he had many yards and multiple touchdowns in just the first half, that is until they did not give him the ball. For example, when the Dolphins played the Giants on Monday Night Football Lamar Miller had two touchdowns and a majority of the Dolphins yards on offense. Then the coaching staff wanted to take the ball out of his hands.

Now Lamar Miller is a free agent. It has come out that the Dolphins want to re-sign him which could get potentially interesting.  The Dolphins also want to keep both of their star defensive end, Cameron Wake and Oliver Vernon. This leaves the Dolphins with a lot of cap issues. Part of me want Lamar Miller to stay because our new headcoach Adam Gase might actually utilize him. Part of me also wants him to leave because it seems as if he is wasting his career with the Dolphins.

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