Sunday, February 21, 2016

My Opinion On NFL Players Retiring

Ever since the season ended many NFL players have become retiring. Usually this happens every year, just not to this extent. This is why I will give a rundown on some of the players who have retired or are going to retire.

Charles Woodson:
Charles Woodson announced mid-season that he would be retiring. This was a pretty emotional and feel good retirement. This one does not surprise me since Woodson was one of the oldest players in the game. However, he still played great even though he was so old. The worst part about Woodson's retirement is that he was on the Raiders and they are a great young team that could be really good in the next few years.

Marshawn Lynch:
Marshawn Lynch announced his retirement after he came back to the Seahawks against the Panthers and had a mediocre performance. This one surprised me a little bit more than Woodson's. Wherever he would go he would probably end up getting paid a lot. He was also still an elite running back as well. I don't question his decision because he is set for life with money and was geting up there in age for a running back.

Calvin Johnson:
I do not think that he is officially retired yet, but Calvin Johnson has been rumored to retire. He has been one of the best wide receivers in the NFL for a long time and might be retiring because he is sick of football. Many people close to him have said this. He is also playing for the Lions who have not been good ever since he has been there as well.

Jared Allen:
Jared Allen has been a veteran for a long time and was traded to the Panthers mid-season. That's is why this is shocking to me. The Panthers have a good chance to win a Superbowl ring, an he retired. I couldn't believe that he retired.

Heath Miller:
This one was also shocking to me because the Steelers have a good chance for a Superbowl run next year. They will be getting Bell and Brown back healthy next year and should be a great team. This one may hurt the Steelers.

Peyton Manning:
Finally we get to Peyton Manning. The legendary quarterback finally got his second Superbowl ring and will most likely retire. I am more surprised that it has taken him this long to announce it. I would say he could comeback, but I do not think that would be a good idea for him.  

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