Sunday, February 28, 2016

What Happened to the San Fransico 49ers?

If you run down NFL history, one of the most respected franchises of all time is the San Fransisco 49ers. Over the years they have had many Superbow championships, and also had some of the greatest players to walk the planet. In the last decade they have showed flashes of greatness, but what happened?

The 49ers who had great veterans just a few years ago managed to make it to three straight NFC Championship games, one of those resulting to a Superbowl trip which they lost. Many people in the franchise seemed to have lost hope. As a result of this they let go one of the best coaches in the league in Jim

Once Jim Harbaugh was let go, many people were starting to lose hope. This is when a ton of their players started to retire. Some were due to age, and others retired due to health concerns. The once good team was starting to fall apart. The 49ers next coach would be Jim Tomsula, who was an underahiever who only gave them five wins in the next season.

Now comes the off-season. The 49ers said they were going to keep Colin Kaepernick. Then a few days later he requested a trade. This organization is turning into a mess, and guy who they are hoping will fix that is new head coach Chip Kelly. Chip Kelly has a bad track record at the moment, but he may be able to get wins for this team. It may take awhile but the 49ers have a slim shot of being good in a few years. The first thing they need to worry about is a franchise quarterback, because it does not look like Kaepernick will be the starting quarterback come next season.

In all honestly, it is a shame what has happened to this team. I am not a fan of them, but it is just amazing to see what has transpired to them over the past few years.

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