Sunday, April 3, 2016

Adressing the Dolphins Runningback Situation

The Miami Dolphins were really stupid this past season by not giving Lamar Miller the ball more. They were even stupider to let Lamar Miller go to a different team. That being said, of course the Dolphins are desperate for another running back to pair up with Jay Ajayi. Rumors are circling saying that the Dolphins might go after Knile Davis in a trade.

I think that Knile Davis would be a great player for the Dolphins to acquire. He has proven to be a very solid running back over the years, and he could be exactly what the Dolphins need. The Chiefs used him in a two back system, something that the Dolphins would use him in if he signed with them.

Another running back the Dolphins were eyeing would be Arian Foster, the veteran runningback who played for the Texans. I think that Arian Foster would be a terrible idea for two reasons. One, he seems to always get injured. When he interviewed with the Dolphins this past week he wasn't full healthy. He also missed half of last season as well. The other reason this would be a terrible idea is due to the fact that he is at a really old age for a runningback.

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