Sunday, April 3, 2016

Trade for Colin Kaepernick?

The Denver Broncos are in need of a quarterback. Desperately. Unfortunately for them they were not able to get anyone that great throughout free agency. The Superbowl winning team was looking at a few options, but they did not make anything official.

Colin Kaepernick just got his money guaranteed in San Francisco. This came as a suprise to me because Kaepernick had a huge drop off in his career. I think that in Denver, he would be able to perform great due to the stacked team that is there.  It just so happens, that it might happen.

Even though the money has become guaranteed, Colin Kaepernick has met with the Broncos. This leads me to believe that the Broncos are going to trade to get him. In exchange, the Broncos I will think, will trade draft picks. This allows the 49ers to gain draft picks for a young team for Chip Kelly to work on.

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